Living Life at Your Own Pace

Living Life At Your Own Pace

Am I where I’m supposed to be?


In today’s world, we feel pressure to live up to certain expectations that society has created for us. The rise of social media has created an overload of people sharing major life milestones with the world. Not only does this mean that we’re constantly seeing what everyone else is doing, it has also created a comparison game.


Ever since I can remember, I’ve felt the pressure to live life a certain way. In high school, I was expected to have already picked out what college I wanted to go to, and what I wanted to major in. In college, I was expected to have a job lined up before graduation, or soon after.


When it comes down to it, society puts these (and many other) expectations on us, but it’s not the end of the world if we don’t meet them. I know many people who have switched their major, or even switched colleges altogether after their freshman year. I know people who decided they weren’t going to college at all. And I know people, myself included, who still don’t have a job after graduating college last May. And guess what? We’re all doing just fine.


Last week, my boyfriend and I were having a discussion about our friends, and we came to the conclusion that most of our friends are either engaged, married or have kids of their own before the age of 25. But not us, and I’m perfectly okay with that.


Social media makes it seem like the new norm is to achieve as many life goals in as little time possible. But what happens once you’ve achieved it all?


I know some people really are ready to settle down and start a family, or get a job straight out of college, but that just isn’t for me. Does that make me or anyone else less successful than the others? Of course not.


I’m only 22, and I’ve still got my whole life ahead of me. So, why rush to get everything over with?


I’m a firm believer that your life will unfold when the time is right. You don’t have to have everything figured out at this current moment.


To everyone else who is in the same boat as me, just know that our time will come, and it will be worth the wait.


Just know that wherever you are, you’re right where you’re supposed to be.
